"Josh Nguyen, realtor, property manager and entrepreneur, is someone I have full confidence in when it comes to real estate investing. He’s a trusted person you want on your team because he delivers. Yes, he wears all those “hats” I mentioned at the beginning, that’s why he is ahead of the game. Whil… e he is young, he is wiser than his years. Thanks to mentoring from his dad, Ninh Nguyen who founded their property management company, “Investors Property Management,” he has a solid foundation of more than 20 years of RE brokerage, property management and investing.
I’ve gone through 4 different property management companies before I found Josh, Ninh and IPM. Hands down, they are the best in this business in the Fort Smith, AR and surrounding areas.
Solid, reliable, competent, trustworthy come to mind when thinking of Josh, his Dad, and their team at IPM. I highly recommend their services."